Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The weeds are out of control

Below are pictures that are updates of the garden. We spent one night last week weeding the garden, and still the weeds control the garden. We think it is the fact that we are not using the dripper hose like last year, so the whole garden is getting wet and the water is spreading the seeds. We have had better success with the broccoli this year.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Attack of the Birds!

We have had our first two chickens (Charlie & Garlic) for a year now, and we now have two new chickens to add to the flock (The Grinch & Jello). They pretty much are free range chickens. Kristi is not too happy with all the chicken poop, but it makes good fertilizer. The kids love chasing them; they eat all the slugs and snails and we are never short on eggs. They have been eating our strawberries and corn starts, and this has not been sitting too well with us, so we introduced two new birds to our garden, and they have been good keepers of the garden. The two plastic flamingos have been perfect for this job.

Friday, June 1, 2007

New Fruit Trees

Last night we planted three new dwarf fruit trees that we purchased from Burgess. They came in a bag with all of our other plants we ordered. They looked like twigs, but we were very optimistic about them. We got a nectarine, peach and apricot trees. It will be a couple of years before they will produce any fruit. I am excited about these trees because they are dwarf size, and take up very little room, but will still produce a good amount of fruit. I just hope we are still in this house when they are producing.